Over the years I've been referred to as:  an acting coach, acting teacher, life coach, business coach, business consultant, peak performance coach, real estate coach, trainer, sales trainer, relationship coach...Forbes recently referred to me as a "Communications Expert"  and a “Leader-Creator.” My title isn’t important. I think the term “coach” is familiar to people and therefore makes sense to them and that’s fine. However, I don’t think “coach” is an accurate description of me nor is “coaching” accurate as to the thing I do with people. I’m not a “certified coach” under any global organization for many reasons. That is by choice. I’m driven to increase output and performance and test the limits of human potential via various modalities. I’m certified as a Buteyko Breathing Practitioner and a Hypnotist. The most important modality for me though, is based on what I developed teaching actors. I think a term that now encompasses more of who I am and what I do is engineer.

I am an engineer.

An engineer, (utilizing the second definition in Merriam Webster’s dictionary), is someone who skillfully or artfully arranges for an event or situation to occur. In my case, I arrange for transformative situations and events to occur. I arrange for breakthroughs to occur. I arrange for people to get at what they don’t know that they don’t know, and in doing so, possibilities for new ways of being and acting in the world reveal themselves. Then, I support them in taking action based on the new information.

 I have mastered creating an environment for individuals and teams that leaves them engaging with the world, others and themselves with freedom and ease as their natural self-expression.  I have worked with and continue to work with executives and teams and performers in various industries some of which include: engineering, financial services, real estate, NFL, MLB, famous actors and actresses, corporate security, research labs and more.

I am a graduate of Duke University and The American Musical and Dramatic Academy. As a mentor and coach I have been featured in print editions of the Wall Street Journal and the San Diego Tribune, as well as Forbes online. I am showcased in the book WAIT: The Art & Science of Delay by Frank Partnoy. As an actor I appeared on Fox, ABC, NBC and The Discovery Channel.

If you're interested in getting at the source of performance in order to gain freedom and mastery in whatever you endeavor, I'd be happy to talk about whether it makes sense for us to work together.  Email me: walker@walkerclarkcoaching.com