When asked

"What do you do?"


Over the years I've been referred to as:  an acting coach, life coach, business coach, peak performance coach, real estate coach, relationship coach...Forbes referred to me as a "Communications Expert."  

Making Dreams Come True.

Years ago my best friend would call me on the phone and this would be a typical first 30 seconds of the conversation:

"Whatcha up to?" 

"Oh, just making dreams come true," I would reply and we would proceed to talk about meeting up to play basketball.

Then, one day my best friend Jeff commented after his "whatcha doing" inquiry and referring to my "making dreams come true" reply exclaimed:

"That's actually true Walker!  You DO make dreams come true!"

It dawned on me that he was right.  It sounds so corny when I say it out-loud as a non-joke.  But, nevertheless, it is accurate. For the past 10 years people have told me their biggest dreams and for a majority of the people those dreams came true as a result of our working together.

Some of those dreams included, but aren't limited to: becoming movie stars, making millions of dollars in net profit as real estate agents, being cast in a first broadway show or tour, becoming a successful entrepreneur, winning a national sports event, getting into major colleges etc.   

It's funny because the tagline I've been using since the beginning of my coaching career has been, "Don't Dream. Act."  So as not to sound contradictory, that tagline is a play on words.  It's really about working with me and dreams turn into reality.